Cardinal rules to keep you out of trouble with the ATO

  1. Never ‘back-date’ documents
  2. Only claim what you know is a genuine tax deduction
  3. Declare all of your income
  4. Don’t estimate your deductions, and always double-check figures and numbers before you submit your tax return
  5. File your tax return on time in order to avoid penalties
What to do when you’re being audited
  • Don’t freak out. You are innocent until proven guilty
  • If you have done the wrong thing then fess up to the ATO straight away and limit the damage
  • Keep your receipts and have them all in order and ready for the tax office
  • Make sure you have a depreciation schedule from a quantity surveyor if you are claiming depreciation for rental properties
  • Have a 13-week log book for car deductions
  • Seek professional advice from a tax lawyer/accountant who has experience in dealing with ATO tax audits
  • Get everything prepared in advance – bank statements, records, invoices and receipts
  • Be honest, and explain anything relevant in as timely a fashion as possible
  • Don’t sign anything until you fully understand the document, and agree with the conclusions that it has come to
  • If necessary, seek a payment plan or a retraction of penalties

16 serious mistakes that would trigger an ATO audit

  1. Estimating rather than getting the actual figures
  2. Claiming a deduction for interest on the private portion of the loan. The interest expense must be apportioned between the ‘deductible’ and the ‘private’ portion of the total borrowings.
  3. When depreciating assets, new assets acquired for less than $1,000 during the year are allocated as ‘low cost assets’ to the pool but the decline in value for these assets in the first year is at a rate of 18.75%, or half the pool rate. Halving the rate recognises that assets may be allocated to the pool throughout the income year and eliminates the need to make separate calculations for each asset based on the date it was allocated to the pool. For subsequent years they are depreciated at the normal pool rate of 37.5%.
  4. Claiming initial repairs or capital improvements as immediate deductions. Initial repairs to rectify damage, defects or deterioration that existed at the time of purchasing a property is generally capital and not deductible, even if you carried out these repairs to make the property suitable for renting. However, it may be claimed as capital works deductions over 40 years.
  5. Not showing dividends from dividend reinvestment plans in your tax return
  6. Claiming a deduction for the cost of travel when the main purpose of the trip is to have a holiday and the inspection of the property is incidental to that
  7. Not having receipts to justify the deductions you are claiming, and you cannot justify the connection between the expense and deriving the income (eg, it was for a private purpose).
  8. Omitting overseas income – taxpayers are subject to tax on their world-wide income and the ATO has agreements with over 42 countries with data-sharing.
  9. Claiming deductions for a rental property that is not genuinely available for rent, ie, a holiday house
  10. Incorrectly claiming deductions for a property that is only available for rent for part of a year
  11. Incorrectly claiming deductions for a rental property when it has been used by relatives or friends free of charge for the part of the year. A deduction is not allowable for the periods involving that free occupancy.
  12. Incorrectly claiming for the cost of land in a claim for capital works. Only the original cost of construction is included in the calculation and the cost of the land forms part of the cost base when calculating a capital gain or loss.
  13. Incorrectly claiming deductions on depreciating assets that are only eligible for a capital works deduction
  14. Incorrectly claiming a deduction for conveyancing costs when they should form part of the cost for capital gains tax purposes
  15. Incorrectly claiming all deductible borrowing expenses greater than $100 in the first year they are incurred instead of spreading over five years or over the term of the loan, whichever is less
  16. Not splitting the income and expenses in line with their legal interest in a property where purchased by a husband and wife as co-owners
Posted in Asset Protection, Bookkeeping, Capital Gains Tax, Tax

Advantages of electronic record keeping over manual – by Skye Lee

While some business owners prefer manual record keeping systems, most businesses use an electronic record keeping system – making it easier to capture information, generate reports and meet tax and legal reporting requirements.

Electronic record keeping

Most businesses use accounting software programs to simplify electronic record keeping, and produce meaningful reports. There are many other advantages to using electronic record keeping, as listed below.


  • Helps you record your business transactions, including income and expenses, payments to workers, and stock and asset details.
  • Efficient way to keep financial records and requires less storage space.
  • Provides the option of recording a sale when you raise an invoice, not when you receive a cash payment from a client.
  • Easy to generate orders, invoices, debtor reports, financial statements, employee pay records, inventory reports.
  • Automatically tallies amounts and provides reporting functions.
  • Keeps up with the latest tax rates, tax laws and rulings.
  • Many accounting programs have facilities to email invoices to clients, orders to suppliers, or BAS returns to the Australian Taxation Office.
  • Allows you to back up records and keep them in a safe place in case of fire or theft.

Choosing accounting software

Your business may require more than one software program to meet all of your tax and legal needs, so it’s important to:

  • Seek advice from your accountant or financial adviser before purchasing software for record keeping
  • Check which accounting software is tax compliant on the Australian Taxation Office website.
  • Accountants and bookkeepers give varying levels of thought to this. Some are very good, considerate, and even go through a research phase before recommending any system to a client. They are quite agnostic on software vendors. They ask the right questions of the business owner and also the candidate software vendors to fill knowledge gaps. The decision is an authentic one that supports the business owners business workflow needs which may amount to hundreds or thousands of workflow hours.
  • Business accounting systems perform other tasks beyond compliance such as customer management, scheduling, time capture, inventory management, channel management (such as retail, partner and e-tail sales channels). It is also the system acting as a contact list for marketing purposes in many cases. Most importantly in the era of straight through processing from e-commerce or POS into accounting software it facilitates payment tracking in real time.

Electronic backup

Set up a secure electronic backup system to ensure records are safely stored and regularly backed up. Daily backups are recommended, particularly for important records. Make sure the backup copies are stored in a separate location to your business in case of fire, theft or a natural disaster.

For small businesses, the cheapest backup options are CDs and memory sticks. If your business has large amounts of data, external hard drives are a popular backup option.

Cloud backup

Cloud computing provides a way for your business to manage your computing resources and records online. The term has evolved over recent years, and can be used to describe the use of a third party for your storage and computing needs.

Cloud backup services are becoming more popular and can be automated for your convenience, but you should make sure the method you choose protects the privacy and security of your business and customers.

Posted in Bookkeeping

Tax Nightmares

BAS time is typically a very stressful time for most business owners, to the point where some are consistently late lodging and/or paying their BAS.  A few simply don’t do it, preferring to stick their head int eh sand, letting matters spiral out of control.

The ATO is getting tough, they withhold refunds until all your lodgements are up to date, furthermore they could get a court order to wind up your business.

Not knowing how to prepare a BAS, not having adequate record keeping in place or simply being time poor is the biggest reason for business failure.

Instead of being stressed all the time, working long hours in your business, start focusing on the future, get a book keeper or accountant to look after your tax compliance including BAS, get the information to them in a timely manner and don’t be a statistic.

Take charge of your finances now and start getting ahead.

Plant and Associates Pty Ltd

1300 783 394 or (07) 55965758


Posted in Bookkeeping, GST

Sole Traders under scrutiny – don’t get caught out!

The ATO have caught over 250,000 tradies for not paying their income tax and GST, totalling $2.3 billion in tax liabilities.

The ATO is harshly scrutinising contractors.  You cant afford to make a mistake so ensure you do the right thing.

Get your book keeping up to date.

We understand that small contractors do not have enough record keeping to hire a book keeper but also don’t have the time to complete it regularly themselves. Also they are keeping their costs down so do not want to purchase an accounting package (most online systems are around $60-$80 pm.)

So we offer this service to our contractor clients.  Simply submit your invoices and documents each quarter for us to data entry directly into our system when you engage us to prepare your bas.  You won’t have to purchase an accounting package, your recordkeeping will be up to date each quarter, your bas lodged on time and all for one very low cost ($176 per BAS plus $66 per hour for the book keeping – for most sole traders that take up this package they only require one hour book keeping meaning a total of $242 per quarter).

For sole traders who require more book keeping than the above, a cloud solution using bank feeds can save you time on data entry (providing the system has been set up correctly from the beginning).  We can assist with setting you up on a cloud based solution and provide you with training.  We also have a number of book keepers that we can refer you to for setup and training.  Likewise if you require more assistance with book keeping then we strongly recommend you engage a qualified and registered book keeper.  Most charge a minimum of $66 per hour.  Be very wary of engaging a book keeper who is not properly licenced with the Tax Agents Board as without a licence they are not regulated.  It is illegal for a unregistered bookkeeper to prepare your bas and charge you a fee.  Likewise only registered tax agents can provide you with tax advice, so your book keeper should not be providing advice without a tax licence  on matters to do with tax. (note that licenced BAS agents are able to advise on matters such as GST and PAYG Withholding etc.

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