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Mental Health

We are aware of the increasing number of Australians who are experiencing financial stress. At Plant and Associates we consider clients an important part of our family and as well as looking after your accounting and tax affairs we are also committed to look after you financial state of mind.

Each person is different and the degree of stress may vary from one person to the other. If you’re stressed about your finances, you’re not alone. Recent studies suggest that money is the number one stressor in many peoples’ lives and may be the main reason for arguments, breakdowns in relationships and even suicides.

Common signs of financial stress are:

  • Finding money troubles dominate your thoughts
  • Arguing with your partner or a family member about money
  • Increasing alcohol or drug use
  • Having difficulty sleeping
  • A loss of appetite
  • Feeling agitated, stressed and angry
  • Withdrawing from others.

We encourage you to speak up and find someone you can trust to discuss about your concerns. Do not let worry take control of your life and be sure there is help available always.

Some helpful links for you to consider if you are feeling anxious about debt or want to talk to someone:

National Debt Helpline: or call 1800 007 007

We are also available to talk to you if you want to discuss anything about your business and how we can help you with your books or setting up a payment plan with the ATO.

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